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goose 8:42 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
Just when you thought supporting West Ham couldn’t get anymore depressing.......

Jasnik 8:56 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
Mr Anon 8:38 Mon Jan 13

oi who you calling Happy ....

Jasnik 8:58 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
Seriously WHO.... makes me laugh at least once a day that usually helps ..

most times it is probably unintentional.

Roeder-nowhere 9:32 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
I am sure you’ll come through it fine, I know many who have after talking to the right people and taking the right steps, little by little

Truesupporter 9:33 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
Read Lost Connections. It's a fantastic book which will be pretty life changing if you suffer with depression. It's among the best books I've ever read.

Sydney_Iron 9:34 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
Also agree with Mr anon about social media and all those ‘happy people’ know more than a few who in real life are moody, miserable and negative but look at there Facebook and you would think they didn’t have a care in the world and led a blissful happy life.

Woman at work posts daily all these happy snaps, quotes about the beauty of everything, yet sits at her desk moaning and spitting poison at anyone she doesn’t like!!!!!

Tomshardware 9:51 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
Thanks for that Truesupporter, will look at getting it.

Stevethehammer 10:03 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
Depression is an absolute cunt.
You can wake up on top of the world, birds are singing, west ham are gonna win the league and Gold and Sullivan are the greatest owners we could wish for and then BANG.. little voice in your head says.. why the fuck are you so happy.
The worst thing about depression I have found is that people turn their backs on you, making it far worse to try and drag yourself out of it. Personally I go through days absolutely hating the world, everyone and everything in it. Suicide ideation is a massive thing for me, makes me feel like there is a way out of feeling this way.
Hope people out there suffering have managed to get help, supporting west ham don't help granted but having depression is one of the worst things mentally you can suffer from. Everyone loves you (so they say) you would be missed etc, but the thought of ending it and having the mood swings, bad thoughts etc all disappear at the drop of a hat is some times so tempting.

WHUDeano 10:04 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
Do people still suffer from depression if they don't drink too much, take drugs regularly, eat too much or don't exercise? Not knocking anyone, just genuinely interested in modern day views? If you don't do any of those things is it then considered depression needing medication or do doctors just dish out pills either way?

Stevethehammer 10:17 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
I have always been against taking Pills. It just masks the problems and from the ones ive taken before they made me worse

joyo 10:24 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
Only suffer following West Hams

penners28 10:25 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
It's an awful, awful, affliction. Akin to wearing a clown mask 24/7. Like someone said below, one minute you're on top of the world, the next you could easily chuck yourself under a bus.

You can end up loving life but hating yourself and questioning whether or not everyone would be better off without you.

For me, the main issue is that some people cant afford to take time off work, which just increases the anxiety further. Just got to keep your head down, and hope the intrusive thoughts go away.

collyrob 10:43 Mon Jan 13
Re: Anxiety/depression
Tomshardware endorses a hairy vagina. No wonder he’s miserable.

arsegrapes 12:27 Tue Jan 14
Re: Anxiety/depression
if you've had a troubled upbringing, without or unhappy in your job, or divorced it is said you are more prone to this, which is unsurprising.


"The above doesn't help anyone, but may bring on feelings of anxiety".

Peterboroughiron 12:49 Tue Jan 14
Re: Anxiety/depression
That is the truest and saddest statement I’ve seen on here

peroni 1:53 Tue Jan 14
Re: Anxiety/depression

Tread carefully though. Only as and when needed.

Penners - you alright Son?

Cheezey Bell-End 2:14 Tue Jan 14
Re: Anxiety/depression
Diet is a big part of it. Leave out the processed food and eat seeds, nuts and greens. If the brain gets the right nutrition, it's better able to stay balanced and be resilient.

Manuel 2:27 Tue Jan 14
Re: Two words ,”STOP IT.
Do you fuckers EVER give it a rest?

Fucking boring cunts.

Hallerinthemorning 2:32 Tue Jan 14
Re: Anxiety/depression
Number 1, u have done the right thing in speaking out. In answer to the guy down the thread who asks if you can curb it by doing less drugs and less booze, the answer is no. it's there. To all that ask if it's a modern day sickness, well yes in fact it is but it because the pressure these days is relentless. The modern day person or family is under 'attack' everyday from pressure, expectation and a rub it in your face attitude from your neighbour. That's all well and good if you are experienced in this but usually the dads who are left to help the rest of the family are not equipped to handle things or help as they have been brought up old school or by an old fashioned father. The good news is millennials will have the tools to beat deosression and teach it but for now 'boomers' are struggling.
I struggled years ago hugely with drink and drugs and depression. I found a way to beat it by accepting it and not being bothered that I had it, understanding why I had it and living with it (depression, bi polar, anxiety, addicton). All I knew is I was scared of death. So if I were to try and kill myself,succeeding would be another fucking fail but it was so hard to get the fight. I watched 5 people die or commit suicide, 1 was my cousin, 1 was my client, 1 was my best friends brother, 1 was my fab neighbour and 1 was the poor poor guy on here many moons ago.
I saw that the gap left didn't help. I don't pressure myself to achieve on a daily basis. Or I do achieve but its sometimes less substantial. My productivity increases between April and September as the weather and season and daylight affect me. I spend my days helping addicts and people with depression. U have to really really understnad it to be able to live with it.tomshardware, if u want to message me,u can, u can say wat u want. Trust me I been there and I won't be telling u to stop drinking or to take a happy pill. and if u have others then great and good luck. I shall be at Everton.take care.

Claret Badger 2:35 Tue Jan 14
Re: Anxiety/depression
my way of coping with anxiety and depression - is not sleeping, eating badly and recreational pharmaceuticals

I hate being gen X - but also love it

Hallerinthemorning 2:38 Tue Jan 14
Re: Anxiety/depression
No xanex is not the answer ( answering "peroni" below) and u should really be careful handing out that kind of advice. Yes it will calm him but the relief at being calm mixed with depression will possibly send him on a massive bender . The come down from xanex and the hangover and depression is enough to send many to their grave of there own making.
Xanex is a no no as is Prozac or equivakent. Propanalol is ok at 40mg for mild anxiety. Prozac is awful as it takes so fucking long to work (3 weeks minimum) and can make u more anxious during that 3 weeks.

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